Voting Registration
There are as many reasons to vote as there are voters. When speaking to your clients and constituents about the reasons for voting, try a variety of different approaches. Many people vote because they are for or against an issue or candidate. For others, voting is about ensuring high voter turnout in the community, which results in greater access to elected officials and more of a say in decisions affecting the community. Review these and other reasons to register and vote below.
For this nonprofit, your community…or those who can’t vote
For this nonprofit Our nonprofit depends on support from the city or state to maintain our funding and services. Elected officials respond to neighborhoods and communities where more people are registered to vote and vote.
For your community
Neighborhoods and communities that vote get more attention from candidates and office holders. They are less likely to visit and listen to communities that don’t participate in elections.
For our kids and youth
People under 18 can’t vote. Our children or youth depend on us to represent their voices too! When we vote, we are looking out for our kids, and their futures. Vote for their future as well as yours.
For neighbors not yet citizens
Many in this community are not citizens. They can’t vote.They need you/us to vote for them.
To make your voice heard on an issue or candidate (Don’t let others decide for you)
Every vote does count!
Remember: there is power in numbers. When we vote and get our family members to vote, we can impact outcomes and change the debate.
- Many elections are decided by less than 100 votes